Prayer Request
For peace and unity in our family. For Emma to return to the Catholic Church and to know the love of a merciful Father. For Jack to be convicted in his heart through the Holy Spirit of his faith that Jesus Christ is Lord and found inside the Catholic faith. For husband John's conversion of heart to know the love of the Father poured out through his Church. So that he may witness holy boldness to family fallen away and hostile to the Catholic Church. For healing of my marriage and that the peace of Jesus Christ reign over my heart with steadfast courage to witness the truth in humility, charity and love. For protection in my new job witnessing the Christian faith so others may come to know the Lord. Through my work in public television to have holy boldness to tell and share stories that bring others to know Christ and to build up the Kingdom and to save souls.
Laura Archbold
Rochester, Minnesota
United States
November 29, 2024